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LaserPecker LX1 Series - Foldable Multi-Functional Laser Cutter (Ship to CA)

$799.00 USD



  • Multi-functional engraver & cutter.
  • Foldable design: good for storage.
  • No assembly required: no annoying assembly process.
  • Interchangeable modules including powerful 20W blue diode laser, 2W infrared laser and artist module, to engrave all materials and meet your different creative needs.
  • Powerful cutting ability: can cut 15mm solid wood or 10mm black acrylic.
  • Larger working area: the working area of LX1 is 400*420mm and LX1 Max is 400*800mm.


  • The differences between LX1 and LX1 Max is working area. The working area of LX1 is 400*420mm while LX1 Max is 400*800mm.
  • The coupon code is invalid during clearane sale.

Laser Module

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LX1 20W

$1,499.00 $799.00

Only 1 left
46% off
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LX1 20W+2W 1064+Artist

$2,397.00 $1,099.00

Best value
54% off
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LX1 Max 20W

$1,649.00 $899.00

45% off
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LX1 Max 20W+2W 1064+Artist

$2,547.00 $1,159.00

Only 1 left
54% off



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Regular price $799.00
Regular price $1,499.00 Sale price $799.00

Simple Folding Frame
for Instant Use & Easy Storage

Simple Folding Frame
for Instant Use & Easy Storage

The LaserPecker LX1 Max's simple "lift-and-turn" frame requires no assembly, enables work to begin quickly, and makes for convenient storage.

The LaserPecker LX1 Max's simple "lift-and-turn" frame requires no assembly, enables work to begin quickly, and makes for convenient storage.

Foldable Design

Foldable Design

No Assembly Required
Opens for Instant Use

Allows for Quick and
Convenient Storage

No Assembly Required
Opens for Instant Use

Allows for Quick and
Convenient Storage

Larger Working Area

Larger Working Area

Laser Modules

The LX1 is available with four tool modules to extend its functionality and your creativity:
a 20w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 10w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 1064nm Infrared Laser, &/or the Artist Module*.

*Tool modules can be bundled together or purchased individually to suit your specific creative needs.

Laser Modules

The LX1 Max is available with four tool modules to extend its functionality and your creativity:
a 20w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 10w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 1064nm Infrared Laser, &/or the Artist Module*.

*Tool modules can be bundled together or purchased individually to suit your specific creative needs.

Artist Module

Artist Module

Effortless Drawing

Effortless Drawing

For creators of all ages

Use a Variety of Pens or Drawing Implements

Use a Variety of Pens or Drawing Implements

Powerful Cutting

Powerful Cutting

Power Cutting Ability

Power Cutting Ability

It cuts through up to 15mm solid wood and 10mm acrylic with ease, and realize various creation ideas.

It cuts through up to 15mm solid wood and 10mm acrylic with ease, and realize various creation ideas.

More Precise Cutting

More Precise Cutting

Up to 0.01mm cutting accuracy

"Let Creativity Fly" with LaserPecker LX1 Max

"Let Creativity Fly" with LaserPecker LX1 Max

Meet All Your Engraving & Cutting Needs

Meet All Your Engraving & Cutting Needs

Batch Engraving

The precision positioning feature and integrated fixtures on the base plate & cutting pad make batch work easy, fast, and efficient.

The precision positioning feature and integrated fixtures on the base plate & cutting pad make batch work easy, fast, and efficient.

Longer Service Life

Dust sheets help to avoid internal wear on the machine.

Dust sheets help to avoid internal wear on the machine.
Grease fitting enables the oiling of moving parts to decrease friction.

Batch Engraving

The precision positioning feature and integrated fixtures on the base plate & cutting pad make batch work easy, fast, and efficient.

Longer Service Life

Dust sheets help to avoid internal wear on the machine.

Highly Accurate Repeat Positioning

Highly Accurate Repeat Positioning

Precise to less than 0.01mm.

Precise to less than 0.01mm.

Red Light Positioning

Red Light Positioning

High Position Accuracy

High Position Accuracy

Grease Nozzle

Grease Nozzle

Grease fitting enables the oiling of moving parts to decrease friction.

Grease fitting enables the oiling of moving parts to decrease friction.

Safety Enabled

Safety Enabled

Enhanced User Interface

Enhanced User Interface

Simple and Powerful APP

LaserPecker mobile app featuring Community, Tutorial Videos, Featured, and Clipart…… allows users to share creations, learn and perfect skills, create projects, use in-APP images, and upload user images.

Simple and Powerful APP

LaserPecker mobile app featuring Community, Tutorial Videos, Featured, and Clipart…… allows users to share creations, learn and perfect skills, create projects, use in-APP images, and upload user images.

Multi-platform App & Software

Support Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS System via USB or via Optional Bluetooth Dongle

Compatibility: LaserPecker (mobile app);

LaserPecker Design Space (PC software);


Share Your Ideas Globally

The Community feature in the Mobile app enables users to instantly share creations, ideas, and inspiration with fellow LaserPecker creators around the globe.

Multi-terminal Support

Support Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS

Compatibility: LaserPecker (mobile app); LaserPecker Design Space (PC software); LightBurn

Share Your Ideas Globally

The Community feature in the Mobile app enables users to instantly share creations, ideas, and inspiration with fellow LaserPecker creators around the globe.


Working Area

LX1 Max:400mm*800mm

Engraving Speed

1mm/s - 200 mm/s

Preview Speed


Engraving Precision


Repeated Engraving Precision



10W 450nm(Blue Laser)

20W 450nm(Blue Laser)

2W1064(Infrared Laser)

Focal Length




Support Materials

Cuttable: Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Some dark opaque acrylic

Engravable: Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metal

Cuttable: Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Some dark opaque acrylic

Engravable: Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metal

Engravable:Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Platinum, Plastics, Acrylic

Laser Spot(diameter)




Cutting Depth

8mm solid wood
8mm Arcrylic

15mm solid wood
10mm Arcrylic


Connection Mode

Wireless Bluetooth 5.0; USB Connection

APP & Software

Laserpecker Design Space App /LaserPecker PC software/ Lightburn

File Format


Supported Languages

Traditional Chinese, Simplized Chinese, English

Continue Working Time


Whole Unit Power


Impulse Frequency


Power Input

DC(24V 5A 100-240V 50-60HZ)


Whole Unit: 5KG

Working Area

LX1 Max:400mm*800mm

Engraving Speed

1mm/s - 200 mm/s

Preview Speed


Engraving Precision


Repeated Engraving Precision



10W 450nm(Blue Laser)/20W 450nm(Blue Laser)/2W1064(Infrared Laser)

Focal Length


Support Materials

10W 450nm(Blue Laser)/20W 450nm(Blue Laser):
Cuttable: Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Some dark opaque acrylic

Engravable: Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metal, Some of the metal color engrave.

2W1064(Infrared Laser):
Engravable:Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Platinum, Plastics, Acrylic

Laser Spot(diameter)


Cutting Depth

10W 450nm(Blue Laser):
8mm solid wood
8mm Arcrylic

20W 450nm(Blue Laser):
15mm solid wood
10mm Arcrylic

Connection Mode

Wireless Bluetooth 5.0; USB Connection

APP & Software

LaserPecker App /LaserPecker PC software/ Lightburn

File Format


Supported Languages

Traditional Chinese, Simplized Chinese, English

Continue Working Time


Whole Unit Power


Impulse Frequency


Power Input

DC(24V 5A 100-240V 50-60HZ)


Whole Unit: 5KG


When will the LX1/LX1 Max/Accessories be shipped?

Delivery of the LX1, LX1 Max and accessories will begin in July 2023.

Do you ship globally and what is the cost?

At the pre-sale stage, LX1 can be shipped globally except Korea, India, China.  

Standard shipping is free and the cost of optional expedited shipping will be determined by the delivery location.

When can I purchase an LX1?

The LX1 will first be made available on March, 22nd. Pro Tip: Orders will be fulfilled sequentially so set your alarm now!

If I don't buy the standard LX1 with the 4-module bundle, which laser should I select?

The materials that you intend to work with will determine the best choice of laser for you.

The 450nm Blue Light Laser is designed to work on organic materials so if you want to engrave and cut on wood, acrylic, leather, etc. it will be your choice. It is also suitable for engraving on coated and anodized metals, but NOT directly on bare metal.

Due to its wavelength, the 1064nm Infrared Laser is recommended if you want to engrave on bare metals such as aluminum, gold, silver, copper, nickel, and stainless steel. Additionally, the 1064nm Infrared Laser is best suited for engraving on plastic.

If I choose the 450nm Blue Light Laser, should I get the 10w or the 20w module?

If your intended use is both engraving and cutting, then the 20W laser is recommended for you. Otherwise, the 10W will suit your high-precision engraving needs.

If I want to add on an additional module later, for example, the Artist Module, can buy it separately?

Absolutely! The LX1 is designed to be expandable and the interchangeable modules can be bought all at once, or one by one depending on your specific needs.

If you are not sure which laser to choose, feel free to reach out to our customer service team (
Pro Tip: Our LaserPecker LX1 Facebook Group will share the most up-to-date product information.

Customer Reviews

Be the first to write a review
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Personalized Gifts.png__PID:7822d21e-496c-4241-9138-54adff33fad4
LaserPecker LX1 Precision Laser Engraving Machine.png__PID:10033084-3085-49cd-8897-358e8c95e642


The LaserPecker LX1 Max's simple "lift-and-turn" frame requires no assembly, enables work to begin quickly, and makes for convenient storage.

Foldable Design

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Electronics.png__PID:d21e496c-3241-4138-94ad-ff33fad4a45d

No Assembly Required Opens for Instant Use

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Signs.png__PID:496c3241-1138-44ad-bf33-fad4a45dc15b

Allows for Quick and Convenient Storage

Larger Working Area

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Trophies.png__PID:32411138-54ad-4f33-bad4-a45dc15b39dfLaserPecker LX1 for Educational Projects.png__PID:30843085-d9cd-4897-b58e-8c95e642ed47LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Landscapes.png__PID:113854ad-ff33-4ad4-a45d-c15b39dfdbdcLaserPecker LX1 Desktop Laser Engraver.png__PID:3085d9cd-4897-458e-8c95-e642ed47ca39LX1 Size


The LX1 is available with four tool modules to extend its functionality and your creativity: a 20w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 10w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 1064nm Infrared Laser, &/or the Artist Module*.

*Tool modules can be bundled together or purchased individually to suit your specific creative needs.

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Memories.png__PID:54adff33-fad4-445d-815b-39dfdbdcf5ff
LaserPecker LX1 Smartphone Laser Engraving.png__PID:d9cd4897-358e-4c95-a642-ed47ca396c60
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Beginners.png__PID:4897358e-8c95-4642-ad47-ca396c60acb7
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Hobbyists.png__PID:358e8c95-e642-4d47-8a39-6c60acb7822e

Artist Module

Effortless Drawing

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Innovation.png__PID:a45dc15b-39df-4bdc-b5ff-bd31de16eb19

Discover the Art of Drawing

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Business Branding.png__PID:c15b39df-dbdc-45ff-bd31-de16eb199bd6LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Educational Projects.png__PID:39dfdbdc-f5ff-4d31-9e16-eb199bd658e0

Powerful Cutting

Power Cutting Ability

It cuts through up to 15mm solid wood and 10mm acrylic with ease, and realize various creation ideas.

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Acrylic.gif__PID:dbdcf5ff-bd31-4e16-ab19-9bd658e05c1aLaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Making.png__PID:f5ffbd31-de16-4b19-9bd6-58e05c1aebba

More Precise Cutting

Up to 0.01mm cutting accuracy

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Pet Photos.gif__PID:bd31de16-eb19-4bd6-98e0-5c1aebba9dd5More Precise Cutting
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for the World.png__PID:de16eb19-9bd6-48e0-9c1a-ebba9dd5959bLaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Nameplates.png__PID:eb199bd6-58e0-4c1a-abba-9dd5959be416
LaserPecker LX1 Easy-to-Use Laser Engraver.png__PID:8c95e642-ed47-4a39-ac60-acb7822e8766LaserPecker LX1 Portable Laser Engraver.png__PID:e642ed47-ca39-4c60-acb7-822e87669f70

"Let Creativity Fly"
with LaserPecker LX1

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for the Future.png__PID:9bd658e0-5c1a-4bba-9dd5-959be416f486LaserPecker LX1 Versatile Laser Engraver.png__PID:ed47ca39-6c60-4cb7-822e-87669f704787

Meet All Your Engraving & Cutting Needs

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving is the Best.png__PID:58e05c1a-ebba-4dd5-959b-e416f4869542
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving is a Must-Have.png__PID:5c1aebba-9dd5-459b-a416-f4869542c7e1
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving is Worth the Investment.jpg__PID:ebba9dd5-959b-4416-b486-9542c7e13602
LaserPecker LX1 for Wood Engraving.png__PID:ca396c60-acb7-422e-8766-9f7047875224
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving is the Future of Making.png__PID:9dd5959b-e416-4486-9542-c7e13602e86b

Batch Engraving

The precision positioning feature and integrated fixtures on the base plate & cutting pad make batch work easy, fast, and efficient.

Longer Service Life

Dust sheets help to avoid internal wear on the machine.

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Curved Surfaces.png__PID:959be416-f486-4542-87e1-3602e86bf9fb
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving is Awesome.png__PID:f4869542-c7e1-4602-a86b-f9fb4b2e3f9a气泵优化-App.png__PID:822e8766-9f70-4787-9224-a050f67eab38
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Cylindrical Objects.png__PID:9542c7e1-3602-486b-b9fb-4b2e3f9a7aae

Highly Accurate Repeat Positioning

Precise to less than 0.01mm.

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Photos.png__PID:c7e13602-e86b-49fb-8b2e-3f9a7aae1003

Red Light Positioning

High Position Accuracy

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Irregular Shapes.png__PID:3602e86b-f9fb-4b2e-bf9a-7aae10033084

Grease Nozzle

Grease fitting enables the oiling of moving parts to decrease friction.

Safety Garanteed

Safety Garanteed

Enhanced User Interface

Simple and Powerful APP

Simple and Powerful APP

LaserPecker mobile app featuring Community, Tutorial Videos, Featured, and Clipart…… allows users to share creations, learn and perfect skills, create projects, use in-APP images, and upload user images.

Simple and Powerful APP

LaserPecker mobile app featuring Community, Tutorial Videos, Featured, and Clipart…… allows users to share creations, learn and perfect skills, create projects, use in-APP images, and upload user images.

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Food Decoration.png__PID:f9fb4b2e-3f9a-4aae-9003-30843085d9cd

Multi-platform App & Software

Support Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS System via USB or via Optional Bluetooth Dongle

LaserPecker (mobile app); LaserPecker Design Space (PC software); LightBurn

Share Your Ideas Globally

The Community feature in the Mobile app enables users to instantly share creations, ideas, and inspiration with fellow LaserPecker creators around the globe.

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Drinkware.png__PID:4b2e3f9a-7aae-4003-b084-3085d9cd4897
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Packaging.png__PID:3f9a7aae-1003-4084-b085-d9cd4897358e40-APP-配件海报.png__PID:9f704787-5224-4050-b67e-ab383d449d68
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Everything.png__PID:7aae1003-3084-4085-99cd-4897358e8c95
LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for DIY Projects.png__PID:87669f70-4787-4224-a050-f67eab383d44
LaserPecker Rotary Extension For LP4/LP5/LX1 Series
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Rotary Extension Accessory

For LX1 & Max

Learn More
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser (4pcs)
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser Extand Work Area
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser Size
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser (4pcs)
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser Extand Work Area
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser Size


For LX1

Learn More
LaserPecker LX1 Engraving Bed and Cutting Plate
LaserPecker LX1 Engraving Bed & Cutting Plate
LaserPecker LX1 Engraving Bed & Cutting Plate Size
LaserPecker LX1 Engraving Bed and Cutting Plate
LaserPecker LX1 Engraving Bed & Cutting Plate
LaserPecker LX1 Engraving Bed & Cutting Plate Size

Engraving Bed

For LX1

Learn More
LaserPecker Cubic Protection Cover for LX1
LaserPecker Cubic Protection Cover
LaserPecker Cubic Protection Cover for LX1 Size
LaserPecker Cubic Protection Cover for LX1
LaserPecker Cubic Protection Cover
LaserPecker Cubic Protection Cover for LX1 Size

Laser Protective Cover

For LX1 & LX1 Max

Learn More


Module10W 450 nm (Blue Diode Laser)20W 450 nm (Blue Diode Laser)2W 1064 nm (Infrared Laser)
Working Area400 mm * 420 mm//
Engraving Speed1mm/s - 200 mm/s//
Preview Speed200 mm/s//
Engraving Precision≤ 0.01 mm//
Repeated Engraving Precision≤ 0.01 mm//
Focal Length40mm//
Cutting MaterialsPaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Dark Opaque AcrylicPaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Dark Opaque Acrylic/
Applicable Materials Paper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metalPaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metalGold, Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Platinum, Plastics, Acrylic
Laser Spot (Diameter)0.08 mm0.08 mm0.03 mm
Cutting Depth (in one pass)8 mm Solid Wood;
8 mm Arcrylic
15 mm Solid Wood;
10 mm Acrylic
Connection ModeWireless Bluetooth 5.0;
USB Connection
SoftwareLaserPecker Design Space Handyapp/PC Software/Lightburn//
File FormatsAPP: G-Code/JPG/PNG/BMP; Software: G-Code/JPG/PNG/BMP/SVG//DXF etc.//
System LanguagesEnglish/Japanese/Korean/German/Spanish/French/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese
Continue Working Time63 Hours//
Whole Unit Power≤120W//
Impulse Frequency2.5K//
Input PowerDC (24 V, 5 A, 100–240 V, 50–60 Hz)//
WeightWhole Unit: 5 kg//